University polices exist to provide a basis for quality campus life and for setting a standard for all members of the community conducive to achieving the objectives of the University. Stated below are excerpts from university policies as they relate to issues of safety and security. For your safety and the safety of others, please read and become familiar with these polices.
Alcoholic Beverages and Illicit Drugs: 34 CFR 668.46(b)(8); 668.46(b)(9); 668.46(b)(10)
North Central University Students must refrain from the possession, use, or distribution of non-medical drugs in any form. In addition, students must refrain from the possession or use of any alcoholic or tobacco products. The use of a hooka or shisha is also not permitted. The distribution of alcohol or tobacco is permitted in employment roles when the distribution is a secondary function of that position (examples of unacceptable employment roles include bartending, working at a liquor store, working at a tobacco shop or hookah bar, etc.) The unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs is prohibited on North Central University property and in connection with University activities. The possession, use, or distribution of alcohol is also prohibited on college property and in conjunction with University activities.
The NCU Drug and Alcohol Policy Statement
The Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, Public Law 101-226, requires institutions of higher education to certify that it has adopted and implemented a program to prevent the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees.
Violations of these policies of North Central University can result in disciplinary action up to and including discharge for employees and dismissal for students and referral for prosecution. Any person struggling in this area should discuss their concerns with a college official. Counseling assistance on campus and/or off-campus will be explained; professional treatment services are also available in the Twin Cities area. North Central University also offers HLTH 224 (Drugs/Health Education), an in-depth study on the effects of alcohol and other drugs; and ADC 140 (Introduction to Chemical Dependency), understanding substance abuse, substance abuse and the family, prevention, intervention, and treatment.
Selected Alcohol and Drug Ordinances in the City of Minneapolis
The city of Minneapolis has many ordinances regulating and controlling the use and abuse of alcohol and other substances. The following laws are listed to highlight the consuming in public and the city drug ordinances.
364.40. Consuming in public. (as of 20080815)
No person shall consume intoxicating liquor as defined by Minnesota Statutes, Section 340A.101, Subdivision 14, or non-intoxicating malt liquor as defined by Minnesota Statutes, Section 340A.101, Subdivision 19, while (1) on a public street, highway, alley, sidewalk, boulevard, or any place frequented by the public; (2) on any private property without the consent of the owner of such property; or (3) while in a vehicle upon a public highway. This section shall not prohibit the consumption of such beverages at duly licensed on-sale premises, or if otherwise authorized by law. (Code 1960, As Amend., § 853.030; 80-Or-268, § 1, 11-14-80; Pet. No. 251179, § 35, 12-29-89)
223.70. Unlawful possession, sale, distribution. (as of 20080815)
It is unlawful for any person to have in his or her possession, or to sell, give away, barter, exchange or distribute any of the drugs specified in section 223.60 hereof, or any marijuana or narcotic drug, as defined in Section 152.01, subdivisions 9 and 10 of Minnesota Statutes, or any controlled substance as defined in Section 152.02, subdivisions 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Minnesota Statutes, except on a written or oral prescription by a practitioner lawfully authorized to practice such profession. (Code 1960,As Amend., § 758.020; 76-Or-183, § 1, 10-29-76; 79-Or-108, § 2, 5-25-79; Pet. No. 251060, § 22, 12-15-89)
370.40. Possession by minors (as of 20080815)
No person under the age of twenty-one (21) years shall consume or have in his or her possession, at any place other than the household of the person’s parent or guardian, any liquor or beer with intent to consume the same, and possession thereof shall be prima facie evidence of intent to unlawfully consume the same. (Code 1960, As Amend., § 855.040; Ord. of 5-25-73, § 1; 76-Or-129, § 4, 8-13-76; 86-Or-193, § 4, 8-8-86)
Effects of Alcohol and Illicit Drug Use
The use of illicit drugs and alcohol can have many adverse effects. The following list includes some, but not all of these effects.
Alcohol use can lead to impaired judgment; slowed reaction time; lowered inhibitions, which often leads to reckless decisions; lower memory retention; and long-term health problems including cardiovascular disease and permanent liver damage. Alcohol can become highly addictive to some people.
Using cocaine can lead to constricted blood vessels; dilated pupils; increased temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure; tremors; paranoia; heart attacks; strokes; seizures; abdominal pain; cardiac arrest; respirator arrest; paranoid psychosis; and malnourishment. Cocaine is highly addictive to its users.
Using heroin can lead to nausea and vomiting; depressed respiration; clouded mental functioning; infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS; collapsed veins; bacterial infections; abscesses; infection of heart lining and valves; and arthritis and other rheumatologic problems. Heroin is highly addictive to its users.
Using inhalants can lead to drowsiness; lack of inhibitions; lightheadedness; agitation; anesthesia and possibly unconsciousness; impaired functioning; nausea and vomiting; delirium; slurred speech; lethargy; and general muscle weakness. Inhalants can become highly addictive to some people.
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide)
Using LSD can lead to feelings of despair or fear; long-lasting psychosis, such as schizophrenia or severe depression; and loss of control. LSD users often build up a tolerance to the drug, and therefore consume progressively larger amounts of the drug.
Using marijuana can lead to increased heart rate; feelings of anxiety, fear, distrust or panic; lower memory retention; loss of coordination and balance; acute toxic psychosis; cancer in the throat or lungs; impairment of the immune system; and heart attack. Marijuana can become highly addictive to some of its users.