Everything you need to know about undergraduate admissions to North Central University
At North Central, you can earn a degree that will be more than just a resumé boost. Major in something that matters to you, and that will matter to the world. Experience mentorship that will help you navigate your career goals.
Here are just a few of the (exceptional) experiences you could have as a student at North Central University:
- Live in a dorm with a Skyline view of downtown Minneapolis.
- Walk off campus and directly into the doors of Fortune 500 companies with internship and job opportunities.
- Volunteer at a local non-profit.
- Earn a degree that will prepare you for your calling after graduation.
- Join a student organization or club, or take on a leadership role on campus.
- Attend daily chapel, and grow in your faith alongside your peers.
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Admisión a North Central University
Your next steps toward North Central
The admission process at NCU is intentionally simple. We welcome all applicants who have a personal relationship with Christ and are willing to live by the responsibilities of membership in a Christ-centered community.
- Visit How to Apply for step-by-step application instructions for first-time freshmen, transfer students, international students, and more.
- Schedule a visit to our downtown campus!
Undergraduate application requirements
We keep our application and admissions process as straightforward as possible, so nothing stands in the way of your future at North Central.
To get you started, here are a few admissions requirements:
- A completed Application Form
- $25 application fee
- High school transcript with a minimum GPA of 2.2*
- Joining our Christian community—North Central is a community of passionate Christ-followers who are dedicated to growing in their faith. To help make that possible, we all strive to live by biblical standards and agree to responsibilities of membership.
*If your GPA or test scores are a little low, you can still earn provisional admission.
NCU is a Test Score Optional institution. NCU is waiving the applicant’s test score requirement for students with a high school GPA of 2.5 or above. Students with a GED or a high school GPA lower than 2.5 must submit a test score or an academic essay for admittance consideration. Talk to an admissions counselor to learn more.
Potential requirements for test score submission:
- Academic related scholarship competitions (Regent’s Scholarship)
- International student consideration
- Potential athletic eligibility requirements
Students who have a current ACT or SAT test score may request to have their scholarship amount reevaluated with their test score considered. NCU will reevaluate the academic scholarship with a test score included. The student will receive the highest possible academic scholarship.
Questions? Contact us.
We try to make it easy, but we know that the college application process can still be confusing. Don’t hesitate to give us a call or shoot us an email with any questions or concerns: 1.800.289.6222 or admissions@northcentral.edu.