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5 Reasons to earn a Master’s in Biblical Theology

5 reasons you need an M.A. in Biblical Theology

North Central University offers a Master of Arts in Biblical Theology, which provides a great path to take if you are looking for a degree that can help you develop your skills as a church leader. Even for people who look to grow in their leadership outside of a church setting, a Master’s in Biblical Theology may still be a great direction to go in, and here’s why.

It aids in biblical interpretation

What is a Biblical Theology degree? Simply put, it is a degree that is focused on the teaching of Scripture, how to interpret it and how to apply it. It helps regular people learn how to interpret the Bible in a way that they can understand and prepares them to share Scripture with others in a way that is effective and well-informed. 

Practical for church leaders

A Biblical Theology degree is great for church leaders who are searching for ways to grow in their knowledge of scripture and sharing it with their church as well as possible. This degree helps prepare church leaders to share Scripture with others in a way that is easily understood and applied. Not only does it help leaders in the church communicate the Bible clearly, but it also helps leaders deepen their understanding of the Bible for themselves. This degree is a great way tool for people in these careers or those who hope to go into these fields:

  • Senior pastor
  • Associate pastor
  • Evangelism/outreach pastor
  • Christian educator
  • Youth pastor
  • Counselor

For those who want to further their education

There are so many people who are simply aiming to develop their education beyond college graduation. A Master’s in Biblical Theology offers them a perfect opportunity to do so. Not only is it a degree that allows individuals to further their education; it also furthers their knowledge of Scripture, which is invaluable in any professional context. Having intricate and well-rounded knowledge of the Bible helps people make Godly decisions no matter their career path. Pursuing a master’s degree is also a great benefit for those who are going into church leadership and want to be better prepared before going into seminary.

Assists in leadership skills

Along with a deeper understanding of Scripture, a Master’s in Biblical Theology also provides strategic leadership skills. These skills are especially great to learn for those who are thinking of going into a church leadership position. This degree teaches people to become better organized personally and in how they prepare their lessons. Moreover, it also helps with the administrative part of ministry. Church leaders need to know how to share what they have learned effectively. This is why learning administrative skills is so important. It helps them make the right decisions in their church and how to articulate their teachings. A Master’s in Biblical Theology also helps church leaders direct teams that are under their authority. Small groups, volunteer teams, etc., are all dependent on strong leadership in order to thrive.

Applicable for daily life

A Master’s degree in Biblical Theology is simply a way to understand the Bible, interpret it correctly, and apply what is learned to everyday life. This is a useful skill for everyone, not just people who are going into a church leadership position. Everyone needs to understand how to apply Biblical teachings to their lives in a way that they understand and can show others. 

Want more information about a Master’s in Biblical Theology?

North Central University is a great option for those who are interested in earning this degree. Click here to find out more about earning a Master’s in Biblical Theology at North Central!

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