Dr. Allen Tennison preaching in chapel

Allen Tennison selected for national AG role

The U.S. Assemblies of God (AG) recently appointed Allen Tennison, Ph.D., as Theological Counsel for the national office in Springfield, Missouri. Tennison has taught at NCU for 12 years and has been Dean of the CCL for the past five years. He will conclude his time at NCU in August.

At the recommendation of former NCU president Gordon Anderson, Ph.D., Tennison was invited to join the AG Commission on Doctrines and Practices in 2015. Last year, he stepped into the chairman’s role.

In light of rapidly changing norms on social issues and the impact this has inside and outside the church, AG leaders recognized the importance of having a continuous theological presence at the national office in an advisory capacity. Tennison expressed his deep sense of honor and optimism for this position’s impact on the AG’s theological endeavors.

“It is crucial to understand that the role of the Theological Counsel is purely advisory,” Tennison said, “with no decision-making power.” He explained, “The commission’s function is to provide advice and expertise,” and noted that in his new role, with the commission’s support, they will assist AG leaders by drafting papers on specific issues. For an issue statement to become an official position of the AG, it must undergo a rigorous process that includes extensive review, editing, and approval by the General Presbyter. “The commission’s recommendations are not binding but serve as valuable input for the leadership to consider,” Tennison said.

In a culture where Christian values no longer automatically align with cultural values, Tennison pointed out that it is crucial to strengthen the foundations of the Christian faith in a rapidly changing world.

Allen Tennison, Ph.D., outgoing Dean of the College of Church Leadership, addresses students in chapel. The Assemblies of God (AG) national office has called him to serve as Theological Counsel to the AG in Springfield, Missouri.


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