You’ve started looking at colleges or universities you’re interested in. You might have grown up in a Christian home, and want to go to a school that shares many of your deeply held values and beliefs. Or you might have recently become a Christian, and want to go to a school that will help your faith grow and put down roots.
But you might be noticing that Christian colleges are private colleges. And private schools often cost more than public schools. So is going to a Christian university worth the cost?
Our answer? Yes.
Here are a few points of value that make a Christian university worth the cost:
Value #1. Get a Christ-centered education
If you’re looking at options for Christian colleges and universities, chances are good that you want a Christ-centered education. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to find a Christ-centered education anywhere else than a Christian school.
As a Christian, the most important thing in your life is your relationship with Jesus, right? It can be challenging to remember that when it feels like you’re choosing the more “expensive” option. But what you’re really investing in is a valuable education. One that will develop the most important part of your life.
What does a Christ-centered education look like?
- Faculty who will mentor you
- Classes that begin with prayer
- Residence halls where spiritual growth happens
- Chapel services where the whole campus worships God together
- Life-changing conversations about Jesus
Value #2. Enjoy a clean campus
Not interested in seeing socks hung on doorknobs? Students hungover sitting next to you in class?
A Christian college often avoids most of those. Less stress and less partying is beneficial to your schoolwork in the long run, and will help you to focus on why you’re really in college.
Even if you wouldn’t get involved in those things on a secular college campus, your somewhat-randomly-selected roommate might. And you don’t want to be irritated and distracted the night you’re studying for an important exam.
Of course, Christian campuses aren’t perfect. But attending a Christian university will give you a community of people with similar values. And that is a huge benefit.
Value #3. Peers who support you
Have you ever felt like your peers or friends were discouraging of your faith? Or that they just didn’t understand it?
At a Christian college, you’ll make lifelong friends that understand and believe in the same things you do. Those kinds of friends are lifelong often because they “get” it. They know and understand how much you love Jesus and why He affects your life so much, and they will eagerly share about their own relationship with Him too.
These friendships, well, they’re priceless.
Value #4. Teachers who encourage you
Teachers that encourage your faith instead of putting you down are an invaluable tool and source of inspiration. They will push your beliefs in some areas mainly because they want to see you grow and become the best Christian and student you can be.
A Christian university is worth it
Going to a Christian college is worth the cost. While some private universities have a higher price tag, the investment gives you the best possible return in spiritual growth.
Also, private universities like North Central usually offer financial aid to help you afford your time there. (Here, we offer aid to 100% of our students.)
Understand affordability with our cost worksheet
Find out more about how easy it can be to afford an education at a great Christian university in Minneapolis like North Central University.
Download the cost worksheet today!