Chris Pruett

Embracing the heartbeat of children’s ministries: Chris Pruett, Moen Chair

North Central University is pleased to announce that for fall 2023, the Moen Chair for Pentecostal Preaching will be shared by two dynamic pastors, Chris Pruett ’05 and Gabi (Norman ’16) O’Rourke. This distinguished Moen Chair represents NCU’s deep commitment to the school’s Pentecostal heritage and ethos.

In selecting two individuals to fill the Moen Chair this fall, Interim President Doug Graham ’86, D.Min., noted that the Moen Chair is filled every semester by someone who has achieved a level of excellence in vocational ministry. Additionally, this fall, the Moen Chair will also focus on the specific areas of children’s and youth ministry. “We felt the time was right to expand this role to shine a light on children and youth, due to the importance of reaching our young people or Christ,” Graham said. “Chris Pruett and Gabi O’Rourke are excellent representatives of these ministry areas, and we are thrilled for our students to learn from them this fall.”

In this first of two articles about the fall Moen Chairs, we introduce Chris Pruett, who brings a unique perspective to this role, highlighting children’s needs and the importance of building a strong spiritual foundation from an early age.

A passionate journey to ministry

Pruett’s journey to ministry started at New Life Church in Princeton, Minnesota, where his father, Chuck Pruett, serves as Lead Pastor. During his sophomore year at North Central University, Chris started volunteering for Wednesday night programming. His involvement quickly grew, and during his junior year, he was hired as the children’s pastor. After graduating, he remained at New Life and has enjoyed the journey since his youth of witnessing its growth from 25 to 1,200 members over the last 20 years. Working under the leadership of his father, Chris has played a vital part in creating a foundation for the next generation of believers.

In addition to his service in the local church, Chris Pruett has served as Ministry Director for Kids’ Ministries for the Minnesota District of the Assemblies of God since 2014, first part-time, then full-time since 2018. His passion for local church service continues even now, as he volunteers as a pastor alongside his wife, leading parenting and marriage classes and teaching young children.

Focus on children

As Moen Chair, Pruett is eager to elevate the message that children’s needs have never been more important, and he is passionate about helping the Church wake up and see this need. “This world is fighting so hard for children,” Pruett said, “for their retention, for their dollars. And the Church needs to wake up!”

“We had over about a thousand leaders at kids camp this past summer,” Pruett noted, “and I asked the question: ‘How many of you think the world has had full court pressure on our kids?’ Everybody’s hand went up, then I said, ‘Don’t lift your hand for this next question, but how many of you think the church is matching that effort or matching that pressure that the world is putting on the kids, matching that effort for good?’ And you could just see the room just grow silent. Everybody knows kids are being targeted, but what is the Church doing? Why aren’t we putting our best people forward to reach children?”

Pruett shared that the importance of laying a proper foundation can’t be overstated. Teaching six-year-olds about the Word of God is like laying the foundation for a building. If the foundation is faulty, everything built on it will be unstable.

A time to stand up

Through the Moen Chair opportunity at NCU, Pruett is ready to rally the church to stand up and teach children God’s way from an early age. He passionately believes that waiting until youth group is no longer an option. The urgency to educate and protect our children is evident.

“The devil is aiming for children younger and younger, and so it’s time for God’s church to stand up and to teach kids how to do it God’s way from an early age.”

By focusing efforts on reaching children, churches can effect change, reduce the need for resources for brokenness, and contribute to raising godly kids.

The challenge of time

The biggest challenge Pruett sees for the church today is time. The consumer mindset and the options available for spiritual nourishment have led to declining church attendance. He said that adults believe they can get God other places than just one local body, but pointed out, “Our kids aren’t taking in those podcasts. I don’t think our kids are having consistent spiritual mentors speaking to their lives without physically being at church.”

Pruett is emphatic about the importance of proximity in discipleship. It takes time and repetition to instill godly principles, and he laments the rise of Bible illiteracy due to waning church attendance.

Still, Pruett sees an opportunity in these challenges. By prioritizing church and focusing on children, parents can make a significant impact on their spiritual upbringing.

Legacy of love and leadership

Pruett’s appointment as the Moen Chair for Pentecostal Preaching is a testament to his love for children and his passion for ministry. His heart for children’s ministries is a reminder that children are not merely the future of the church; they are the church’s present responsibility.

NCU’s decision to appoint a children-focused pastor to this role serves as a call for all believers to see children as Jesus saw them, vital and valuable to the Kingdom of God.

As Moen Chair, Pruett will interact with North Central students this fall by speaking in chapel and teaching in the classroom. He hopes to inspire students in the movement to challenge the wider church to refocus and rededicate efforts toward the most vulnerable and impressionable among us.

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