Why should you attend an Assemblies of God University?

History Lesson: What is the Assemblies of God, and how does NCU fit in it?

Whether you’ve been around North Central for 10 days or 10 years, it’s quite obvious that we are a school passionate about Jesus and the Presence of God. Much of this stems from our affiliation and alignment with the Pentecostal Fellowship of the Assemblies of God, and its beliefs.

So, what is the assemblies of God? Well, here’s a quick history lesson or you.

The Assemblies of God is a Pentecostal denomination of Christianity with a global presence. Here’s a brief history and overview of its beliefs.


In the early 1900s, a religious revival swept the world. Men and women seeking authentic Christianity, renewed faith, commitment to Christ, and the vibrancy exhibited by New Testament churches began gathering together for worship and fellowship.

As the emerging Pentecostal revival spread, leaders in the movement recognized the need for organization. In April 1914, around 300 ministry leaders and laypeople met in Hot Springs, Arkansas to promote unity and discuss pressing issues. The fellowship that emerged formed the General Council of the Assemblies of God in the United States of America.


  1. The Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God.
  2. There is one God, who exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  3. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on the cross for our sins, rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven.
  4. Salvation is available to all people who repent of their sins and trust in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.
  5. The Holy Spirit is given to believers as a helper and guide, and empowers them to live a holy life and to share the gospel with others.
  6. The church is the body of Christ, made up of believers who gather together to worship God, to receive teaching and training, and to serve others.
  7. The second coming of Christ is a real and certain event, and believers should live in anticipation of his return.

Summed up on the Assemblies of God website, the AG “The church emphasizes personal salvation, water baptism, divine healing, the baptism with the Holy Spirit accompanied by the evidence of speaking in tongues, and the pre-millennial second coming of Jesus Christ. The Bible is recognized as the inspired word of God and provides the rule for faith and practice.”

From these beliefs comes a four-fold mission that is expressed through:

  1. Evangelism
  2. Discipleship
  3. Worship
  4. Compassion

So… how does NCU fit into the AG?

Founded in 1930, North Central has always existed as a University to help raise up generations of leaders in ministry and marketplace to help spread the name of Jesus. Beyond our alignment in belief, North Central believes in a model much like that described in the book of Ephesians. In chapter 4, verses 11-12 The Bible says: “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up,”. At NCU, we work hard to equip our students for service and leadership locally and globally. Much like the Assemblies of God, NCU is passionate about the presence of God and making Jesus’ name known throughout the ends of the earth.

Now that you know what the AG is, and how NCU fits into the big picture, what does this all mean? Well, the answer is quite simple really…

In partnership with the Assemblies of God, North Central University exists to foster a mature commitment to both Christ and the mission of God throughout the world.


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