Everyone remembers their favorite teachers.
Truly great teachers make a huge impact on the lives of their students. (Read more about how teachers are changing the world.) If you’re considering a degree in education, you are poised to influence hundreds of students over the course of your lifetime.
The most important thing to remember before you strive to win the “favorite teacher” award:
You can’t please everyone.
Just like with any other career, your teaching style won’t be a perfect fit for every student. Not every student will love you. It just won’t happen.
If those are your standards for your teaching career right now, throw them out the window.
If you’re looking for admiration from students so that you can feel better about yourself, you should probably check that at the door as well.
The teachers who everyone loves the most are those who help you understand a subject at a new level. They are the teachers who see your potential and help you excel. They are the teachers who give you support and encouragement on a bad day.
Tips to become a teacher students love
Come to class prepared.
Duh, right? If you’re about to enter a room full of young people known for their unpredictable behavior, you’d better have a plan.Make sure that your lesson plan has clear, measurable goals. Strategically structure your time. Set your students up for an effective, memorable lesson.
Bring the energy.
Kids can tell if you’re bored. If you are apathetic about teaching, they will probably be apathetic about learning!
Get creative!
Some students thrive in a lecture setting and others don’t. Present your course material in a variety of methods.If you can rap it, dance it, sing it, or make a game of it, the subject might be more likely to stick.
Be patient.
The brains of your students are absorbing and developing at a speedy rate. They’re taking in information, trying to make sense of it, and learning to interact all at once.Take a deep breath and explain things again, in a new way. Then smile.
Show them you care.
This might sound like a cliche tip for being a teacher, but it can change a student’s outlook on their day. It’s probably the most important part of your job as a teacher.Pay attention to what your students talk about and to their body language. Watch for signs of students who are struggling, and be there for them when they need help.
North Central education major grads gain recognition
Here at North Central we celebrate teachers that go above and beyond. In fact, one graduate of North Central University’s education program, Cory Wade, was a finalist in Minnesota’s teacher of the year award! Wade teaches his students the value of education and considers it a privilege to teach his third grade class; read more about his story here!
Wade is an inspiration and example of becoming a teacher that students love! It requires hard work and dedication, but is entirely possible.
Want more tips to become a teacher?
Download this free resource “11 Simple Steps to Becoming a (Great) Teacher” and follow your calling to a job as a teacher.