Kathy Cannon
Kathy Cannon, Lead Pastor at Sacred Church in San Bruno, California is anticipating good things this year as she steps into her new role as North Central University’s fall Moen Chair for Pentecostal Preaching. “The cadence, style, and content of Pentecostal preaching is a foundation element of our liturgy as a church movement.,” Cannon said.
Role of the Moen Chair
Daily chapel is the heart of North Central University where students, staff, and faculty alike come together to worship and hear renown speakers from all over the world. Doug Graham ’86, D.Min., North Central University’s Vice President for Spiritual Life, holds the distinguished responsibility of choosing those renown speakers to take the stage in NCU chapel. Graham spoke about the role of the Moen Chair saying, “The Moen Chair is unique to North Central. The individuals who serve in this role come to campus multiple times, allowing them to develop a theme or message that carries through not only chapel times, but also in the classroom and other gatherings at which students get to interact with the speaker. North Central University is blessed to have Kathy on campus this year.”
The person serving as Moen chair typically makes several visits to North Central’s campus. Cannon is currently planning to make a few stays at North Central University this fall. October 8 will be her first visit as the Moen Chair for North Central University and she will return again on the 29th of October. “I am so honored and excited to represent another model of that to the NCU family this fall.” Cannon said. Adding to the excitement, Cannon is the first female to hold the title of Moen Chair here at North Central University.
Forging Paths
Kathy is forging a path for so many young leaders in her role as church planter, pastor, and now North Central University’s Fall Moen chair. Featured in a powerful article in Influence Magazine, Cannon is quoted saying, “When we learn that ‘yes’ and ‘no’ can coexist, we unlock powerful potential;” The pastor represents one of God’s gifts to the church, but not the gift. We cannot, and should not, be doing everything. Likewise, the members of the local church cannot, and should not, be doing everything.” This is just a small glimpse of the topics that Cannon will be bringing to the table this fall.
Read more about Kathy Cannon and her impact in the Assemblies of God here!
Chapel schedules and podcasts
As the academic year is in full swing, you can find the full chapel schedule available on the chapel page.
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