Give Day 2018

NCU Give Day 2018

Give Day campaign raises funds to refurnish Clay Commons

North Central’s second annual Give Day returns this Wednesday, March 21! With a special emphasis on alumni giving, Give Day is also a way for anyone who loves NCU to show their support with a gift for a special project.

Funds raised during the Give Day campaign will be used to replace the furniture in Clay Commons, a popular venue for studying and socializing. Clay Commons was built as part of the Phillipps Hall residence in 2000, and while the original furniture has lasted a long time, 18 years of serving as the students’ “living room” has taken its toll!

It’s time to let the old furniture graduate and make room for a new class of furnishings better suited to the needs of current and future students.

Tune in to all NCU social media channels and follow #NCUGiveDay on Wednesday to follow Give Day progress and learn about the opportunity to double or triple your gift through generous matching funds.

Make your gift at

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