The semester is coming to a rapid close. As students anticipate being able to go home and be with their friends and families over Christmas break, finals are also coming up very quickly. Many students tend to feel overwhelmed as they prepare for finals. Here are some helpful tips to make studying for finals easier and more enjoyable.
Create a weekly schedule
One of the biggest struggles students face while preparing for finals is finding a place to start. Because there are so many finals within a small window of time, it’s really hard to figure out where to start studying. One thing that has helped students in the past is creating a weekly schedule. It’s a good idea to plan out about three weeks in advance before finals, so there is enough time to study adequately for each class. Things to include in a weekly schedule are class schedules, work schedules, finals schedules, and any other extracurricular activities that students may have.
Find a tutor
One way students can be sure that they are studying to the best of their abilities is to find access to a tutor. Many students think that they only need to go see a tutor if they are struggling with a class, but tutors are also around to help students with their final studies. North Central offers many different tutoring services. The Student Success Center offers more than just tutoring as well. They also offer therapy services and academic support. This is always a great resource for students to use, especially during finals.
Find a good study spot
Students tend to perform better on their finals if they have been able to find a good study spot that works for them. There are so many different study spots, both on campus at North Central and around Minneapolis. North Central offers places like Clay Commons, T.J. Jones Library, vacant classrooms, and much more. There are also endless study spots around Minneapolis as well. Some of the students’ favorite spots around Minneapolis are:
Identify your learning style
No student learns exactly the same as another student. This is why it is so important to figure out what learning and study style works best for you. Some students need everything to be laid out and organized for them to learn effectively. Others are visual learners, and they benefit from seeing what they are learning about directly. Other students benefit from simply reading their material and repeating it.
Want to learn more about North Central’s resources?
North Central University offers endless amounts of academic resources and services. The professors are known for their passion for their students and are always willing to take extra time to make sure they see their students succeed. North Central’s Student Success Center has amazing resources for student’s mental health and academic performance. Click here to learn North Central, and here to schedule a tour today!