spring semester blog

Returning to the Spring Semester

Winter break is a time for students to be with their families and loved ones, and a time to rest and recuperate after the fall semester has wrapped up. Now that students are back at North Central in full swing, the adjustment from the lull of winter break to the speed of spring semester is a difficult transition to make. It’s hard to go from vacation to completing assignments again. In order to help combat that difficult transition, here are some of our best tips to step into the spring semester strong.

Buy a planner

Students tend to hear this tip a lot, but it makes a world of a difference when it comes to organization. Many times students just simply try to remember their due dates for their assignments and meetings, but it ends up going sideways throughout the semester because students can feel overwhelmed by everything they need to keep track of. This is why buying a planner is so important. A great way to format a planner is to write down everything that is due that week, and also put in any meetings or extracurricular activities that students may have.

Create a study schedule

Students can feel overwhelmed with everything they need to keep track of and be responsible for. A great way for students to avoid feeling overwhelmed and burnt out is to create a sustainable and doable schedule for themselves. While students need to make sure they are being successful with their studies along with other things they may be doing, they also need to allot time to get an adequate amount of sleep, as well as get enough nutrition. Part of being a good student is making sure that they take care of themselves. Students need a healthy balance of work and rest.

Connect with your professors

One of the wisest things students can do when starting a new semester is connecting with their professors. At North Central University, professors are dedicated to making sure their students feel known and valued. Professors are a great resource for students to use not only for their classes and homework, but they are also great mentors. Professors know how to get students connected to people who might help them in their career endeavors and are always willing to help students figure out what their next steps are. Student and professor relationships are some that will last long after students graduate college.

Join study groups

Students tend to do their best when they are working alongside other students. It’s a good idea for students to surround themselves with others who are going through college with them, to help keep each other accountable. Some students group up and have study sessions together. This is simply a time to gather together and study but also fellowship with each other. This helps students stay motivated and on top of their studies while also building a relationship with other students.

North Central is dedicated to assisting students with their studies, with resources such as Student Development and the Student Success Center. Students thrive because of the dedication of faculty, staff, and professors.


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