The Next Step in Your Education: Why Choose NCU?

A graduate degree from North Central might be the next step in your leadership journey

A world that never stops developing requires people who never stop learning. Learning takes many forms, but perhaps one of the most practical forms is in the pursuit of a graduate degree. A graduate degree can bolster any resumé as well as help the graduate gain experience and understanding in a field of their choice. Graduate degrees come with many benefits such as higher pay, job prospects, and growing one’s network of professionals in their field. One of the first steps of this process is deciding where to pursue the education.

            “A master’s degree is such a critical component for how people perceive leadership.”

– Dr. Scott Hagan, Former President of NCU

Why Choose NCU?

The Graduate Studies program at North Central University is seeks to reach students where they are – whether they are currently working on their undergraduate degree or if they are looking to bolster years of professional experience with additional education. By offering flexible hours, payment plans, and online classes, NCU makes the graduate program accessible to all.  Discounts are available to NCU alumni and anyone who is ordained through the Assemblies of God.

Current undergraduate students have the opportunity to join the 4+1 Program. This program offers students the chance to make progress on a master’s degree while still being an undergrad student. The 4+1 Program ensures the transition from undergrad to graduate degrees is smooth and easy. Many students who have completed an undergrad degree still live (and sometimes work) on campus as they pursue a master’s.

NCU’s  Graduate Studies program currently offers two different majors; Strategic Leadership and Biblical Theology. Each programs comes with specialized tracks to further personalize the degree. Classes are primarily taught by full-time faculty who may also teach undergrad classes. As a result, many students who opt for the 4+1 program are familiar with their professors. NCU’s gifted faculty are often available for questions, academic assistance, and general support. Many students will assert that it is their relationship with these professors that make the program incredibly enjoyable.

Consider a Degree in Strategic Leadership

“NCU’s Master of Arts in Strategic Leadership classes are taught by professors who have and are serving in strategic leadership roles in the business world, non-profit organizations, and the church world at large. Some serve as consultants, and all have far-reaching relationships and influence around the world.” – Dr. Alaine Buchanan, Dean of the College of Graduate Studies and Digital and Online Education

The Strategic Leadership program offers three different tracks to specialize the degree. These tracks allow students to specialize their degree to fit their goals and passions. Selecting a track is not necessary to complete the degree. However, many students choose a track that lines up with their current field of work.

The first track option is Business Administration. Through this track students will learn and develop the skills needed to fill leadership roles in the business world, along with non-profit organizations.  The goal of this track is for students to “gain communication, decision-making, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills, and apply leadership theories, principles, and business leadership skills in a collaborative environment.”

The next track in Strategic Leadership is Church Leadership.  This track focuses on developing the next generation of Christian leaders and preparing them to thrive in a myriad of ministry settings. Through the Church Leadership track, students will develop the skills needed to operate in a church environment morally and ethically. Students will also learn the communication skills needed to lead.

Worship Arts is the final track offered in the Strategic Leadership program. The Worship Arts track aims to develop the God-given gifts of worship leaders alongside the practical knowledge needed in the music industry. This track also focuses on the theology of worship. Students will gain an understanding of what worship looks like from a biblical perspective.

Further Your Knowledge with a Biblical Theology Degree

“Our Master of Arts in Biblical Theology classes are taught by professors who have earned a Ph.D. in Biblical studies, many of whom come from marginalized backgrounds, all of whom understand and practice the rigors of academic study alongside practical ministry experience.” – Alaine Buchanan, Dean of the College of Graduate Studies and Digital and Online Education

Anyone interested in growing their understanding of the Bible may consider pursuing a graduate degree in Biblical Theology. The goal of this program is to “equip [students] with a deep Scriptural understanding necessary for success in churches, academics, or further graduate studies.” This degree also comes with three different tracks; Old Testament, New Testament, and Biblical languages. Similar to the Strategic Leadership program, selecting a track is not necessary to complete this degree.

While there is a lot of overlap between the tracks of this major, each track contains courses unique to them. In the Biblical Languages track students take multiple classes in both Hebrew and Greek. These classes allow for greater insight on biblical translations. The New Testament track focuses on the Gospels and Epistles, while also offering courses in Biblical Greek.  Students who pursue the Old Testament track will learn Biblical Hebrew, as well as studying the Pentateuch, (the first five books of the Bible), and the Former Prophets.

An Environment of Success

“Our students also come from a wide range of backgrounds from the inner city to rural communities. Many of our students live outside the Twin Cities. As the dean of our graduate school, I live and work from a distance too, while Meg (Program Manager and Academic Coach for Graduate Education) lives in the Twin Cities and works on campus. We’d love for you to come and join our NCU family!” – Dr. Alaine Buchanan, Dean of the College of Graduate Studies and Digital and Online Education

North Central University is an environment where students take pride in their education. NCU’s professors offer support through every obstacle as students pursue their education. A graduate degree is an opportunity for students to take the next step of their journey into leadership. NCU’s Graduate Studies program fosters a community of learning and growth, while also offering flexibility and affordability to pursue a master’s degree.

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