By President Scott Hagan
Promising life found in community
Something beautiful and almost utopian happens when a proven life joins and bonds with a promising life. It’s the model and practice Christ left for us on this earth. This is why the North Central campus is so professionally refreshing.
It’s a place that brings students, faculty, alumni, staff, and local residents together and binds them into an even greater community of sacred relationships. Over time, this community of friends and colleagues come to see each other as genuine, and the bond deepens.
Molding and mentoring promising leaders
Yes, producing leadership-ready graduates begins with recruiting and retaining qualified and ready learners. But it’s not enough for a student to move into our dorms. They must first move into our hearts. Our job as university leaders is to love our students and then mold and mentor them into promising leaders with the intellect, skills, faith, and vision to change the world.
As I begin my tenure as president, I’m praying for the Holy Spirit to visit us in historic ways. I want the Lord to lead us in becoming a brave and innovative university marked by humility and love. Those two words, humility and love, are rarely used to describe the life of a university, but I’m committed to making them part of my daily life and dialogue as president. I believe a unified North Central is the only way for us to prosper as an educational community.
Goals and aspirations
I have much more to share in the near future about the values and spiritual life of North Central. In the meantime, here are some of my practical aspirations for NCU as a promising institution of learning:
- To see NCU maintain and improve its position in the field of education.
- To see NCU develop new models, new fields, new techniques, and new demands.
- To see NCU earn the respect of the communities in which it operates.
- To see NCU enhance the morale, attitude, abilities, and initiative at all levels of university life.
- To see NCU contribute significantly to the art of education and leadership.
Ready to join the North Central community?
Apply to attend North Central University today and gain an education, leadership skills, spiritual encouragement, and preparation for life after graduation.