As you consider different colleges, your list probably includes secular and Christian colleges. There’s a lot to consider beyond that as well: price, degree options, location, and more. Christian and secular colleges might seem similar, but the differences can be life-changing. Let us help you narrow down your list. Here’s what makes a Christian college the right choice:
Christian community
Everyone faces struggles during their time in college whether it be academically, socially, or even spiritually.
Having the support of an entire community of Christians is one of the keys to a successful college journey. The relationships you form with friends, dorm leaders, professors, and staff will provide you with the community you need as you grow in your faith. Campus organizations, clubs, and athletics are all fun ways to ingrain yourself into the community and to make friends.
Perhaps the most impactful part of Christian community, especially at North Central, is daily chapel. Chapel serves as a time for praise, reflection, and renewal. Impactful speakers share stories and sermons that spark learning and growth every day. See what daily chapel is all about by listening or watching chapel at NCU online.
Christ-centered academics
A Christ-centered education is only going to be found at a Christian college. You’ve probably heard the term “Christ-centered education” thrown around a lot. But what does it really mean?
You’ll have the privilege of learning from professors who want to invest in your life as well as your education. Professors at Christian colleges consider the spiritual impact of the classes they teach. Their goal is to inspire and push you toward the path that God has chosen for you. Those professors are committed to placing Christ at the center of their teaching.
You’ll attend classes that start with prayer and are taught from a Christian worldview. That means instead of a generic degree from a secular university you’ll study your major of choice from a perspective that helps you grow in your faith. However, choosing a Christian university doesn’t mean degree options are limited. As a result, you’ll still be able to choose a popular academic program like biology, business administration, or even sports management – all with the added bonus of a biblical foundation.
It’s the foundation of your future
College is the jumping-off point for your entire future. Choosing the right one is possibly the biggest decision you’ve made so far in your life. Feeling pressured yet?
Here’s even more food for thought – the college you choose will:
- Help shape your worldview
- Equip you for the workplace
- Be where you build lasting personal and professional relationships
- Be a four year commitment
Would you rather attend a college that has the same core Christian values as you or one that actively clashes with them? If you attend a Christian college every aspect of your experience there will be through a lens of faith. You can be confident that your beliefs align with your university’s and that what you’re learning in the classroom strengthens those beliefs.
So, is a Christian college the right choice for you?
If you’re looking for a supportive Christian community, Christ-centered academics, and a rock-solid foundation for your future, then the answer is easy.
Learn more about North Central University – a Christian college located in Minneapolis, MN – by downloading our free viewbook!