By Auston Nigg
Earning your degree and developing an education are crucial components to your time in college, but that isn’t all there is to your experience. Growing as a person, growing as a Christian, and becoming a better community member are just as important as growing your mind while at school.
Why not go to a school that gives you all of these possibilities?
Find your place in a caring community
Colleges with an Assemblies of God affiliation give you the opportunity to join a close-knit community while obtaining your degree. Assemblies of God universities have a reputation for their loving, accepting people. Faculty, staff and your peers want to help you and see you succeed. No matter what the school size may be, the entire Assemblies of God global community, will be by your side. Having this community and these connections will consistently benefit you.
Grow as a Christian and person
Attending an Assemblies of God college will help you in your journey to become a better person. Here are a few reasons why:
- Chapel every day will encourage you spiritually.
- With courses taught from a biblical perspective, you will be propelled to do your best not just for yourself and your professors, but to give glory to God.
- The Assemblies of God has a rich pentecostal heritage that you can become a part of, whether you come from that denomination or not.
- With opportunities to help at a local churches and organizations, you will grow in your desire to serve others.
Broaden your career options after college
Because of the great sense of community within the Assemblies of God, it serves as a network around the United States. With districts, pastors, and churches all connecting to Assemblies of God colleges, you have an instant network. This gives you more career opportunities when you graduate. Whether you want to go into teaching, business, or ministry, you will have a community to help you get connected.
Interested in music and worship?
If music is your passion then an Assemblies of God college is a great fit for you. Daily chapels will give you many opportunities to develop on-stage skill as a musician or it also offers an opportunity to join your peers in musical worship.
Find teachers and mentors who care
Choosing to attend an Assemblies of God college is great because the teachers care about you. You are not just another student that they need to teach, you become part of their community and they want to see you succeed. Because of this, they will take extra time to help you when needed. Assemblies of God universities allow you to find teachers who really care about you and your future.
Your college life is more than just an education. Be sure to take full advantage of the few years you have at a school and go somewhere that gives you as many great opportunities as can be offered.