In this section

Estimated Annual Cost of Attendance

The Cost of Attendance (COA) is the school’s estimate of a student’s total costs while enrolled, also known as the student’s “budget.” It determines the maximum aid a student can receive for the academic year and includes both billable (direct) costs, like tuition and fees, and non-billable (indirect) costs, such as transportation and personal expenses.

COA adjustments may be made on a case-by-case basis with documentation of higher actual expenses. Below is the estimated COA for the two-semester academic year, varying by college and program of study.

Undergraduate Traditional 2025-2026

Expense CategoryLiving On-CampusLiving Off-Campus with ParentLiving Off-Campus
Tuition & Fees (est.)$33,180$33,180$33,180
Housing (est.)$5,610$0$6,750
Food Allowance (est.)$5,460$5,400$5,400
Books/Supplies/Equipment (est., not billable)$900$900$900
Misc. Personal Expenses (est., not billable)$2,400$2,400$2,400
Transportation (est., not billable)$690$860$860
Loan Fees (est., not billable)$150$150$150
Total (Fall and Spring)$48,390$42,890$49,640

Undergraduate Traditional 2024-2025

Expense CategoryLiving On-CampusLiving Off-Campus with ParentLiving Off-Campus
Tuition & Fees (est.)$32,220$32,220$32,220
Housing (est.)$5,514$0$6,000
Food Allowance (est.)$4,540$4,800$4,800
Books/Supplies/Equipment (est., not billable)$900$900$900
Misc. Personal Expenses (est., not billable)$2,400$2,400$2,400
Transportation (est., not billable)$1,000$2,374$2,374
Loan Fees (est., not billable)$136$136$136
Total (Fall and Spring)$46,710$42,830$48,830