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Institute for the Next Generation

Institute for the Next Generation

With a focus on mentoring students in every major, The Institute for the Next Generation exists to educate and resource youth ministry leadership in the 21st century. 

What is the iNG?

The iNG exists to: 
  • Educate and resource students and youth leaders through proven methodologies
  • Communicate a consistent vision for youth ministry leadership 
  • Encourage the training of youth leaders through proven methodologies 
  • Creating multiple resources and content for youth leadership in the classroom, books and publication, and on all social media platforms for next gen leaders
  • Provide on-site and remote mentoring for future youth leaders at North Central University (NCU) and around the world 
  • Partner with leaders in the United States and abroad to develop resources for global youth ministry 

For more information on how The iNG can prepare you for reaching the next generation, contact Jeff Grenell