The outline of Minnesota with a graphic of a hand outstretched holding a dollar sign. The words read: MN Tuition Guarantee, Full Tuition Scholarship

In this section

The Minnesota Tuition Guarantee Scholarship will provide funds to help cover the full cost of tuition for students after other aid who may face trouble in funding their college goals. Other aid may include a combination of NCU grant, academic scholarship, institutional aid, or other types of scholarship.

Applicants who meet the following criteria will be considered for the scholarship:

  • Apply and be accepted to North Central University
  • Submit your FAFSA
  • Be a new, incoming Freshman in Fall 2025
  • Have a 3.25 GPA
  • Have a family adjusted gross income under $60,000
  • Must be a Minnesota resident

Students who receive the MN Tuition Guarantee must live on campus, and they must maintain a credit-load of 15 credits per semester. This scholarship is renewable for up to 4 years of tuition for qualifying students. This program guarantees that NCU will cover any tuition costs remaining after other state and federal aid is applied for those who qualify.

Contact the NCU Admissions office with questions.

Scholarship resources