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Inspire: Youth Ministry Mentoring

Inspire matches veteran youth pastors with a cohort of about six youth leaders who share similar ministry demographics. Cohorts are made up of committed youth ministry leaders who, under the direction of qualified facilitators, meet regularly to sharpen their skills. Each cohort is designed to intentionally draw from diverse giftings of group members in order to strengthen each other through interactive, developmental experiences. Facilitators provide optimum growth environments for cohort members who have prepared to contribute in the developmental experiences.

Why Join Inspire?

You have enormous potential, not just for the work God has assigned you today, but also for a lifetime. The question is, what are you doing to intentionally sharpen yourself? How are you going to tackle the leadership challenges you’ll face in this next year of youth ministry? What are you doing today to prepare yourself for your career 10 years from today? Who is with you on your personal mission to fulfill the call of God on your life?

Inspire is your opportunity to both tackle the challenges in ministry you face today and grow in such a way that you’re ready for the future. Inspire offers you an opportunity to intentionally prepare for the future, and do it with peers who understand the unique challenges you face. Together is truly better than alone!


  • Be mentored by leaders outside of your church
  • Gain accountability
  • Hear different perspectives
  • Take time to plan and prioritize
  • Learn from others’ mistakes
  • Help others, and gain insights in the process
  • Practice ongoing professional development (Year II)

Year II of Inspire continues all of the benefits of year I, and adds an emphasis on professional development. Whether it’s guidance with preaching, developing leaders, or even taking the next step in leadership, Year II cohorts will identify key areas that will not only help you, but your family and your ministry grow into their full potential.