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Related Policy – Establishing University Policies

About This Procedure

Responsible Officer
Vice President of Human Resources & Operations

Policy Owner
Vice President of Human Resources & Operations

Policy Contact
Vice President of Human Resources & Operations



University Procedure

Informally addressing grievances

The university encourages employees to first discuss potential grievances with their supervisors as appropriate and to seek an informal resolution of work-related problems or conditions of employment that they believe to be unfair. If informal attempts to resolve the grievance fail, use the formal grievance procedure for a formal grievance complaint.

Formally addressing grievances

  1. Initial complaint and review
    1. The employee submits a timely grievance in writing to their supervisor. A copy must be sent to the Office of Human Resources. The employee’s supervisor must respond within five (5) working days.
      1. If the grievance is with or relates to the employee’s supervisor, then the grievant must submit the grievance, in writing, the Office of Human Resources.
    2. Review by higher-level supervisor
      1. If the employee is not satisfied with the supervisor’s response, or if the supervisor failed to respond, a copy of the original grievance and the supervisor’s response (if received) is forwarded to the Office of Human Resources by the grievant.
        1. The employee filing the grievance must state why they are not satisfied with the supervisor’s response.
      2. The Office of Human Resources will forward the employee’s grievance and any response to a higher-level supervisor, if available.
        1. If a higher-level supervisor is not available, the grievance will be forward to the appropriate vice president.
      3. The higher-level supervisor, within five (5) working days of receiving the grievance and any responses, will respond in writing, and provide a copy to the Office of Human Resources.
    3. Final review
      1. If the employee is not satisfied with the higher-level supervisor’s response, or if the higher-level supervisor failed to respond, he/she will submit the grievance and all responses (if applicable) to the Office of Human Resources.
        1. In doing so, the employee may request the decision regarding the grievance be decided by an employee’s vice president.
      2. The vice president will render a decision within ten (10) working days of receipt of the grievance.
        1. The decision will be considered final.