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About This Policy

Responsible Officer
Vice President of Human Resources & Operations

Policy Owner
Vice President of Human Resources & Operations

Policy Contact
Vice President of Human Resources & Operations


Policy Statement

The tuition benefit program is designed to enable eligible full-time employees, their spouses, their dependent children (dependents are determined by IRS guidelines), alumni, and credentialed ministers to enroll in credit-bearing courses at North Central University. The employee tuition benefit applies to undergraduate and graduate level classes.

Employees – Undergraduate Tuition Discount
Eligible employees are permitted and encouraged to take up to two university undergraduate classes each fall, spring, and summer semester. The tuition benefit does not apply to courses offered outside of the university. Eligibility dates of employment are calculated from the most recent date of continuous full-time employment; any breaks in full-time employment will reset the date. Additionally, the discount will begin the first semester after the threshold has been met and stops immediately in the semester subsequent to the change in the employee’s employment status.

Employee and Employee Dependent Tuition Discount – Undergraduate
The spouse and dependent children of regular full-time employees may be eligible to receive paid tuition on a prorated basis.

  • New hire up to 1 year of employment: 25% discount.
  • During the second year of employment: 50% discount.
  • During the third year of employment: 75% discount.
  • During the fourth year of employment and beyond: 100% discount.

Employees Tuition Discount – Graduate

  • During the 1st year of employment: 25% tuition discount
  • During the 2nd year of employment: 50% tuition discount
  • During the 3rd year and beyond of employment: 100% tuition discount

Spouses of Full-time Employees

  • During the first year of the spouse’s full-time employment: 25% tuition discount
  • After the spouse’s first year of full-time employment: 50% tuition discount

Additional Graduate Discounts
Dependent Children are not eligible for a graduate education tuition discount. Along with eligible employees, the following may apply and be eligible for graduate discounts. Students who qualify in more than one category, only one discount will be applied.

  • North Central University Alumni
    North Central University provides graduate tuition discounting for the graduate programs offered by the university to its alumni/ae. Determinations of alumni status will be made by the university’s alumni office. Those determined to be eligible will receive a 25% tuition discount.
  • Credentialed Ministers of the Assemblies of God and the Pentecostal Family of Churches
    North Central University provides graduate tuition discounting for the graduate programs offered by the university to credentialed ministers with the Assemblies of God and the broader Pentecostal family of churches. Determinations of student eligibility and eligible institutions will be made by the admissions office in consultation with the dean of Graduate and Professional Education. Those determined to be eligible will receive a 25% tuition discount.

Full-time Employees of Assemblies of God and Pentecostal Family of Churches
North Central University provides graduate tuition discounting for the graduate programs offered by the university to full-time employees of Assemblies of God and churches within the broader Pentecostal family of churches. To be eligible, students must provide verification of employment at a qualifying Assemblies of God or Pentecostal church each semester to the graduate program coordinator. Those determined to be eligible will receive a 15% tuition discount.

Tuition and Fees
The tuition discount covers tuition and does not cover fees, books, housing, etc. It can also be applied to advanced standing credits (up to 9 credits) and audited classes (up to 4 credits). Applied lesson fees, directed research fees, and class fees are the responsibility of the enrolled student. After federal grants, state grants, institutional grants, scholarships, and discounts are applied, the employee tuition discount will provide employees with coverage on a prorated basis. If an employee is hired after an academic semester has started or if their percentage of tuition benefit changes mid-semester, the applicable tuition benefit rate will not be effective until the beginning of the following semester.

Those seeking a discount must complete an application for admission or readmission in order to utilize their benefit. Additionally, applicants must work the Office of Human Resources to complete the tuition benefit form. Employees must complete an Employee Tuition Discount Application with supervisor approval each semester. Applications for Dependents are required by July 1 for the entire academic year. (New applications for a dependent discount that is submitted after July 1 for spring or summer will follow the deadlines listed below.) Both Forms are submitted to Human Resources.

Application Deadlines for Employees:

  • Fall Semester – July 1
  • Spring Semester – November 15
  • Summer Semester – March 15

All discounting is subject to the availability of budgeted scholarship funds and course availability at the discretion of the Vice President of Academic Affairs, the Office of Human Resources as well as approval by the employee’s supervisor for seated classes (in the case of the employee discount for Employees and Dependents) or the associated Dean for Alumni and Ministers.

If all paperwork is not completed prior to the deadline of each semester, the student is responsible for all charges. Late fees will be applied until funding is awarded. Failure to file a FAFSA form and submit the necessary paperwork for processing will result in the forfeiture of the discount.

Employees and recipients of the employee tuition benefit must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA at the university to be eligible for this discount and must adhere to other institutional and financial aid policies.

Employees must remain on the active payroll and be performing their jobs satisfactorily through the completion of each course.  If an employee is moved below the eligibility required, they, or their dependents, are no longer eligible for the tuition benefit beyond their current academic term. If an employee is hired after an academic semester has begun, the tuition benefit will not be effective until the start of the next semester. If employment with the university is terminated for any reason, educational benefits will terminate effective the last day of employment. Tuition costs for the remainder of the semester will be prorated and charged to the enrolled student.

Family members retain their eligibility if the parent/spouse becomes permanently disabled or dies while an employee at the university. The employee, spouse, or dependent receiving the benefit cannot be in default on their student loans or have an unpaid balance on their account.

The tuition discount for all employees and dependents one is limited to the equivalent of one University degree.

Dependent Children are not eligible for a graduate education tuition discount.

Reason For Policy

The purpose of this policy is to clearly explain the responsibilities and parameters by which these benefits become available, the limits to these benefits and the conditions under which the benefits might become forfeit.

Policy Scope

All full-time employees of the university.


  • There are no appendices associated with this policy.

Additional Contacts

Subject MatterContactPhoneEmail
Policy Clarification and InterpretationOffice of Human
Financial AidOne
Admissions Office of


Those who have graduated from the university with an undergraduate degree.

Assemblies of God
Those churches (whether designated General Council, District Council or Parent-Affiliated Church) that are in fellowship with the General Council of the Assemblies of God and officially listed as part of the organization.

Credentialed Minister
A person who is registered with a denomination to serve as a minister of the gospel and who is thereby authorized to preach and perform sacerdotal functions.

Dependent Child
Per the IRS, a dependent child is:

a child for whom the employee provides over one-half of the child’s support;

  1. or a child who: (a) receives over one-half of his/her support from parents who are divorced, separated or living apart; and (b) is in the custody of one or both of his/her parents for more than one-half of the calendar year;
  2. or a child who: (a) receives over one-half of his/her support from his/her parents (but neither parent alone contributed over one-half of the support); (b) receives over 10% of his/her support from the employee; and (c) has received a waiver of dependency from anyone else who contributes over 10% of his/her support;
  3. or a child who: (a) has not attained age 25; and (b) both of whose parents are deceased.

Educational Cost
Regular tuition and student services fees. Room and board, general fees, class fees, textbooks, and other fees are not included as part of the benefit.

Eligible Employee
Full-time employees.

Employee Dependent Tuition Benefit Discount
After federal grants, state grants, institutional aid are applied, the employee discount will provide dependents with coverage on a prorated basis. The discount does not apply to the following employment categories: adjunct faculty, part-time staff, teaching assistants, or temporary staff or faculty, or student employees.

Employee Tuition Benefit Discount
After federal grants, state grants, institutional aid are applied, the employee discount will provide a tuition discount to eligible employees for undergraduate and graduate education. The discount does not apply to the following employment categories: adjunct faculty, part-time staff, teaching assistants, or temporary staff or faculty, or student employees.

Pentecostal Family of Churches
Pentecostal family of churches includes those affiliated with denominations having membership with the Pentecostal World Fellowship and others who subscribe to Pentecostal doctrine and practice.

Full-time Employee
Employees who hold a permanent position of 30 hours or more weekly.


Eligible Persons
Complete needed paperwork to be eligible for the benefit program.

Office of Human Resources
Manage the employee tuition benefit program. Answer questions about eligibility.

Student Financial Services
Apply discounts in accordance with policy, including verifying the application of only one discount.

Report on discounts by type.

Office of Admissions
Receive and process applications for admission and readmission.

Office of Graduate and Professional Education
Administer the Graduate and Professional Education department including budgetary approvals and program coordination for students.

